Just added to the Old World Primitives Etsy Shop – a primitive folk art sheep doll.
SOLD, thank you!
This primitive sheep doll is made of heavily coffee stained muslin. He has a painted black head, vintage cotton batting tail, and antique rusty nails for legs. He wears a poem printed on heavily stained, torn paper that has been attached with two pieces of twine with some sweet annie tucked behind it. This primitive sheep is a Kentucky Primitives design, and measures 8.5″ long by 7.5″ tall.
Steph….your new blog is wonderful…I LOVE IT!!! Fits you perfectly..and that lovely banner..oh my!!!!
Love the sheep!
ps…so far we’ve only got about 3 or 4″…but man..the blizzard wind is just terrible..it’s been snowing sideways for crying out loud!:)
Thank you, Doreen! I have been searching for the perfect 3-column template to switch to ever since you sent me those pretty template ideas.
I love having so much extra real estate to work with now!
Stay warm, and here’s hoping you don’t need to use those candles.
Oh! He is beautiful! I just love all your creations!~
You picked the perfect one Steph..this is definitely you!
It really is great having so much room isn’t it!
ps… We kept our power..i’ve no idea how though..wow!!!! The wind sounded like a freight train!
We ended up with about 6″ of snow…everything is calm now:)
What a beauty Stephanie. He (or she) is perfect. I love the poem at the side and the plant tucked into it.
You have an amazing number of comments for your giveaway now.
Forgot to say that I really like the new banner and layout. Much brighter.
I love your new sheep. She looks so wise. The new template is really nice. so much more info. Great job.
Thank you everyone for the kind words, they are much appreciated. And Doreen, I am glad that you didn’t lose power!
I really love this sheep
It is so cute. Also I like very much the idea with poem and plant… Did you plan to make new animals?
best regards
Hi Biliana,
Thank you! I do plan to make more animals – I will have an extreme primitive cow doll finished up later today.
These sheep are very NEW. i HAVE NEVER seen them like this, but they are very good. Amazingly creative, and … inspiring!
(and I love that paperbag background of yours!)
Thank you so much, Rose!