Happy Halloween!

Hallowe’en Greetings! Our carved pumpkins are all lit up and ready to greet the trick-or-treaters. We have a kitty theme this year – happy cat and scary cat. They decide who gets tricks and who gets treats!

carved Halloween pumpkins

And speaking of treats – I received the most wonderful surprise in the mail today from my bestest customer Sally!

Halloween candy and card

She sent me a beautifully handmade, amazingly detailed Halloween card, which I adore, and an assortment of Halloween chocolates, which I have been munching on all day! (I looooove chocolate!) There were actually a few more little jack-lantern chocolate balls in the bag to the left at first, but I couldn’t resist eating a bunch before I took the photo. 🙂 THANK YOU, Sally! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

4 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!”

  1. Hi Stephanie!
    You’re a big sweetie and you are so very welcome! I’m so glad you enjoyed everything (and you are a kindred chocolate spirit!)!
    Your pumpkins are darling – such a great pic, so fun to see them lit! Did you have any little munchkins knock at your door tonight? I heard them say on the news that in some communities the kids are going out tonight, instead of tomorrow. Our bell hasn’t rung yet – they’d find one very unprepared old crone if it did teehee!
    Happy happy Halloween!

  2. Hi Sally,
    We didn’t get any trick-or-treaters last night – if we had, they would have found me very unprepared as well! We don’t usually get more than 5-6 on Halloween, so I am hoping we’ll get at least that many today. Otherwise, my hubby and I are going to have to eat all of the leftover candy ourselves. 😉 (Okay, okay, I always kind of hope for some leftovers.) No one else but me gets near the treats that you sent though!! 😀

  3. Hi Stephanie, Happy Halloween! I love your kitty theme! & lovely carved pumpkins. We just got back from the pumpkin patch & a little fun, now a break then off to follow my trick or treating vampire. ~Theresa

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